About LEAD

The number of Canadians competing at the highest level of sport continues to grow in number and diversity, in an increasingly demanding and complex sports landscape. Supporting an athlete’s journey requires the development of sport scientists who don’t just excel in their own disciplines, but those who can also cultivate positive environments and empower others to do the same. 

LEAD is a Sport Scientist Canada leadership program designed to equip sport scientists with the leadership knowledge, strategies, and skills to enhance the daily training environment and competition environments. It facilitates individual and organizational excellence in safety, health, development, and performance outcomes within the Canadian high performance sport system.  

As a participant, you will be provided with the clarity you need to lead from a place of authenticity and strength, the community to support you in your leadership journey, and practical tools to optimize your leadership potential.

Committee Members:

  • Jorie Janzen, (Chair) CSC Manitoba
  • Alison Nagata, Athletics Canada
  • Genevieve Mason, CSI Pacific
  • Graeme Challis, CSI Calgary
  • Jeremie Chase, CSC Manitoba
  • Sylvain Gaudet, INS Quebec
  • Will George, CSI Ontario

Instructor: Eva Havaris

Our Purpose

The LEAD program aims to provide sport scientists the opportunity to:

  1. LEARN: Explore the leadership concepts and competencies that are necessary to manage the day-to-day operations of an integrated support team in a variety of Canadian high performance sport system environments.
  2. ENGAGE: Build productive and effective relationships with athletes, coaches, and fellow IST members and cultivate a culture that empowers others do the same.
  3. ACCELERATE: Identify individual and organizational catalysts, and modulate barriers to attaining and sustaining elite athletic performance on and off the field of play.
  4. DEVELOP: Integrate leadership approaches and best practices into the design of organization-specific programs and initiatives aimed at optimizing and sustaining athlete health and performance.


  • HP Certified or Professional member with Sport Scientist Canada
  • In good standing with the relevant certification body for a sport science or sport medicine discipline in Canada.
  • Currently working as a practitioner in a leadership role OR working towards a leadership role in the Canadian high performance sport system: 
    • Employed or contracted by Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network (COPSIN), National Sport Organization (NSO), or Multi Sport Organization (MSO).
    • Working with a pool of Olympic, Paralympic or *NextGen athletes
  • Committed to supporting and advancing fellow practitioners with a goal of becoming a mentor for future LEAD or WiSS cohorts, or engaging as a mentor within the Canadian Sport System for COPSIN or an NSO.
  • Be comfortable reading, speaking, and learning in English
  • Priority will be given to applicants who are HP Certified
  • Applicants are expected to consult with their direct report/supervisor to ensure program requirements are supported by the organization

Note: If your application is successful, your direct report/supervisor will be contacted to confirm their awareness of the program and their endorsement of your participation.

* NextGen definition:  athletes identified by the NSO using their validated Podium Pathway who are 5-8 years away from achieving a performance required for a podium result at a subsequent Olympic/Paralympic Games 

Applications are now open

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, August 19th (11:59 PM EST)

Program applicants will be notified of their selection status by August 27, 2024.

Program Length: see detailed schedule below
Leadership Part 1 - September 19, 2024 - November 28, 2024
Leadership Part 2 -  December 12, 2024 - February 20, 2025 

What can you expect?

  1. The program is delivered in two parts: 
    1. Part 1 focuses on developing and cultivating your authentic leadership ID and culminates in the development of your leadership action plan. 
    2. Part 2 focuses on advanced leadership topics relevant to leading in sport.
  2. Online modules to support your leadership development.
  3. Supplemental reference material.
  4. Personal reflection assignments applicable to your leadership journey and development. 
  5. Live, online one-to-one individual coaching sessions with the facilitator.
  6. Group coaching and discussion sessions with the facilitator and your peers. 
  7. A two-day in-person group learning workshop during Part Two.
  8. Weekly commitment of approximately 4 hours/week.
  9. This program will be delivered in English.

Program Structure

PART ONE - Leadership I.D.

Part One of the program focuses on the development and thorough understanding of each participant’s leadership style.  This is achieved by completing modules, assignments, and self-reflection exercises.   Additionally, each participant will self-identify one area of their leadership development that they wish to focus on throughout Part 1 of the program and will be supported by the instructor and their peers to attain personal and professional growth in this area. 

There are seven outcomes associated with Part One including:

  1. Develop a clear understanding of your top 5 leadership strengths and how to effectively apply your strengths in the workplace for greater results
  2. Defining your top 3 leadership values to dramatically improve and expand your personal and professional life.
  3. Cultivate your unique leadership style so you can be more authentic, effective, and inspirational as a leader every day.
  4. Explore leadership skills to be effective in the workplace, particularly when you are facing a challenging or difficult situation.
  5. Develop a leadership mindset that will accelerate your personal and professional growth throughout your leadership journey.
  6. Integrate tools for a collaborative work environment and more positive outcomes when working with direct reports, fellow IST members, athletes, and coaches, and empowering others to do the same.
  7. Develop a personalized leadership action plan to help you integrate best practices into the design of organization specific programs and initiatives.

PART TWO - Advanced Topics in Leadership

Part Two is designed to guide participants to develop a deeper understanding of advanced topics in leadership and enhance leadership skills in several areas. Topics covered will include:

  • Leadership EQ (emotional intelligence): Master emotional intelligence (EQ) and the WE-I framework to navigate emotions, strengthen relationships, and adeptly manage challenges and stress in leadership roles.
  • Conflict as a Catalyst for Positive Outcomes: You will learn about conflict styles, your relationship to conflict, and the opportunity for positive outcomes and change in the workplace when you embrace conflict and the art of confrontation as a catalyst.  
  • Building a Culture of Excellence and Accountability & Building Great Teams: Accountability is one of the least understood, but most important advanced leadership concepts, especially when it comes to developing excellent culture and great teams. Utilizing the concepts from the book “5 Dysfunctions of a Team” participants will reflect and assess a working environment and team of their choosing to uncover opportunities to develop better team cohesion,  trust, and accountability.
  • Communicating for Impact: Giving and receiving feedback is an essential part of a healthy and growth-oriented workplace and team environment.  To be an effective leader, you play a paramount role in establishing a work environment where team members embrace and seek out feedback as the norm and foundation for a thriving team.  Learn about the leadership behaviours associated with giving and receiving effective feedback and how to create an environment to normalize this practice within your team. 


All group coaching sessions occur on Thursdays @ 1:00-2:30pm EST (online) with the exception of the Part One Presentations, which will be Thursday November 28 from 1-4pm EST (online).

Part One - Leadership I.D.
Date Topic Format
September 19, 2024Welcome and Program Orientation
Live, Online Group Session
September 26, 2024Developing Your Leadership MindsetLive, Online Group Session
September 27, 2024Individual Coaching Session #1
30 min online session with facilitator
October 3, 2024Tapping Into Your StrengthsLive, Online Group Session
October 17, 2024
The Power of WordsLive, Online Group Session
October 24, 2024
Rebuilding TrustLive, Online Group Session
October 31, 2024Prioritizing JoyLive, Online Group Session
November 1, 2024Individual Coaching Session #230 min online session with facilitator
November 7, 2024Your Leadership PresenceLive, Online Group Session
November 14, 2024Your Unique Leadership Identity
Live, Online Group Session
November 28, 2024Leadership Action Plan Presentations
Live, Online Group Session
Part Two - Advanced Leadership Topics
Date TopicFormat
December 12, 2024Part Two - Orientation
Live, Online Group Session
December 13, 2024 - January 3, 2025
  • Complete WE-I Profile
  • Read 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
Online Link
Book provided
January 6-17, 2025WE-I Profile Debriefs
Live, 1-to-1 online session
January 24, 2025Individual CoachingLive, 1-to-1 online session
February 3-5, 2025 
  • Embracing Conflict as a Catalyst for Positive Change
  • Communicating for Impact
  • Building a Culture of Excellence and Accountability 
In-person workshop (Toronto, ON) - mandatory for participants
February 27, 2025
Program Finale
Live, Online Group Session


  • There is no fee for LEAD

Frequently Asked Questions

The capstone project is a significant component of the LEAD program. The expectation is that it will be implemented in your organization within the Canadian high performance sport system. Therefore, for successful applicant's organizational endorsement will be required to confirm participation. It is recommended that applicants discuss the program requirements with their organization before preparing the submission to allow for stakeholder priorities and logistics to be aligned accordingly.

  • The application can be submitted in French or English.
  • The program content and sessions are delivered in English.